weight management

After giving birth how do we regain energy, replenish the lost nutrients, take away the aches and pain and lose the weight we no longer want?

“Baby’s out now i want my body feeling strong and energetic”

Baby needs so much attention, and rightly so,  baby needs all the love, care, affection and an abundance of positive energy, so much so that i believe its never to much.

However so do the carers around the baby.

Nutrition therapy, weight management advice, and well being guidance and support through individual /collective consultations and plans – overcome negative emotional feelings, stress, anxiety, for more energy, focus and healing of the gut – through tailored nutritional plans.

Baby has the time so do you. Yuj together!

Its a lot easier if mum/carer/parents are getting the love, care, affection and an abundance of positive energy too – Yuj therapies



Lou Holtz

Yuj combines baby yoga with adult yoga poses, stretches and breathing techniques giving mum/carer the peace of mind that baby is getting optimum love, care and attention while she is able to also confront and challenge her concerns about getting mind and body to the peak of strength.

Yuj nutrition and weight management advice and guidance will help support both mum, baby, and family to keep a sustained optimum health and well being lifestyle.  Working in collaboration with yoga and massage, well researched and evidence based nutrition and weight management help and support, through 30 minute consultations presented throughout your 5 week Yuj course.